Ministry of Power has notified Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Firm and Dispatchable Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects with Energy Storage Systems. These guidelines were notified on 9th June, 2023.

South Africa has an electricity crisis where national supply is often unable to meet demand, leading to regular, planned power cuts. This report aims to explain how energy storage can provide a wide range of benefits to a constrained power system, and why grid-located batteries emerge as a strategic priority in the short term.

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has notified the National Electricity Plan (Volume-I Generation) for the period of 2022-32. The plan includes the review of the period 2017-22, a detailed plan for the period 2022-27, and the prospective plan for the period 2027-32.

Energy storage is key to both effective integration of renewable energy systems with the electricity grid, and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This brief discusses the technological trends in lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, and assesses the energy storage needs of the Indian power and transportation sectors.

The government released the final guidelines to promote development of pumped storage projects in the country as they are non-polluting and more environmentally friendly. The guidelines have been finalised after receiving suggestions from stakeholders, according to a power ministry notification.

Energy Transition entails an increasing presence of variable & intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) like solar & wind in the energy mix. This presents a grid-level challenge, that would require incentivization of technologies offering storage & ancillary services attributes.

Scaling and stabilising lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing in India is critical to India realising its decarbonisation goals. This issue brief deconstructs the lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing process, estimates the material and finance requirements, and offers a blueprint for a possible indigenisation strategy.

Scaling and stabilising lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing in India is critical to India realising its decarbonisation goals. This issue brief deconstructs the lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing process, estimates the material and finance requirements, and offers a blueprint for a possible indigenisation strategy.

The Ministry of Power (MoP) has notified the Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022.

India has charted ambitious goals for its energy transition. These include achieving 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources. Additionally, it has committed to reducing the emissions intensity of its GDP by 45% (compared to 2005 levels), also by 2030.
