Promoting the cause of solar power against conventional power is the latest Swiss initiative

Depleting gas resources can be overcome by creating natural gas... artificially!

Canon USA, New York, is intro ing the world's first fully autorr 35-mm solar-powered camera, Sure Shot Del Sol, The cam weighing about 28 grams, designed to lie flat and has a

'Smart' solar panels have fina been developed by researchers of Albert Ludwigs University, Freibi and Fraunhofer Institute for So Energy Systems, Lauenforde, bw in Germany. The

Absorption cooling could be the answer to peak time electrical loads

UK-based Chloride Industrial Batteries Ltd has manufactured a new high reliability battery for military applications. Named Armasafe, the battery uses latest recombination technology

Engineers at the US,based National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed a photovoltaic solar water heater that does away with the plumbing, replacing it with a wire

The world's first sea driven electricity generator is launched

A radical wikd turbine is being scaled up

With increasing efficiency of solar cells, their use becomes more popular
