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'Treeman' Vishweshar Dutt Saklani, who has single-handedly planted more than 400,000 in Dehra Dun region, has been conferred with the Virasat Samman 99 award by organisers of the 10-day cultural

Goma Danuwar's family has been through a very bad time, with no employment or regular source of income, they had to struggle to make their ends meet. Five years on, there's been remarkable

Army authorities have instituted a court of enquiry, under a Brigadier, to go into the allegations of illegal felling of trees by the Army in the forests of Sonitpur district. This was conveyed by

The Administration has taken a number of steps to reduce timber cutting in the Tongass National Forest America's largest in Alaska. The constraints are a welcome improvement on past policy which was

The immense pressure on national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh these days can be gauged from a recent order passed by the authorities in Shivpuri district to exclude 2,062.05

Vast swaths of the Florida Everglades were ablaze as winds whipped up more brush fires in the parched state. The fires forced the closure of Interstate 75th the main east-west highway through the

A fire broke out in the Bhuneraheri forest, near Patiala, this afternoon. It was doused after three hours.

In spite of the Suprme Court ban on felling of trees and its subsequent directive to the Assam State Governments to ensure a stop to the illegal trade in this regard by seizing all existing timber

Tribals and people of other weaker sections engaged in collection of tendu leaf are going to directly benefit following conferment of ownership right of tendu lead on Gram Sabhas in Madhya Pradesh.

Commenting on the release of the report "Our Forests...Our Future," Klaus Toepfer, World Commission member and executive director of UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, said : "The
