Enable Block: 

A spreading forest fire in Indonesian Borneo's West Kalimantan province has caused increased air pollution in the region and renewed concerns of haze problems, a report said on

Forest minister Roop Singh on Tuesday appealed to the people to come forward and help fight the forest fires that were ravaging parts of the state. Speaking to The Times of India News Service, he

The first forest fires this year have broken out in the Russian far east where almost 2.5 million acre of Taiga went up in flames last year, Itar-Tass reported on Monday, quoting Khabarovsk region

According to an agency report, armed gangsters have taken over half the forest areas of the three districts of Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and Panchagarh of Bangladesh, and are now happily going about their

The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world and a World Heritage site, has become the safe den of smugglers. The smugglers are engaged in plundering the valuable forest resources

There is considerable resentment among Indian Forest Service officers belonging to the Madhya Pradesh cadre over the State Government's latest decision to bring day-to-day working of the Forest

Lack of adequate funds and non-participation of the World Bank in the afforestation schemes in Bihar has crippled the ongoing projects for maintaining the environmental balance in the

Fires threaten JNU's green landscape, wildlife: Jawaharlal Nehru University has been on fire for the past two weeks. This time round it has not been sparked off by heated ideological

At the monthly meeting of the taluk panchayat in Devanagere, on Thursday, the members said trees in Anajaikere forest area were being felled illegally.In the 250 acre of forest land in Anajikere,

The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet approved a Forestry Project to improve environment and to ensure socio-economic upliftment of farmers through private participation in forestry. The meeting was presided
