PANAJI: The electricity department together with the Goa Energy Development Agency is considering providing solar lamps to families living in remote forest areas who still don’t have access to powe
PANAJI: The implementation of the coastal zone management plan (CZMP) for Goa is likely to be delayed further, as the state has sought an extension till October 30 to finalize the plan.
PANJIM: Though Goa achieved 100 per cent electrification in 2015, along with another 14 States/union territories, the Electricity Department on Monday said it is in the process of electrifying a sm
PANJIM: As per the latest biennial assessment by Forest Survey of India (FSI), Goa’s forest cover has increased by 19 sq kms in 2017 thus ranking the small state at the 9th position in the country
PANJIM: As directed, the Directorate of Panchayat has asked concerned panchayats from the mining areas to submit proposals for developmental projects for implementation under the District Mineral F
PANAJI:The directorate of health services (DHS) aims to achieve “zero malaria transmission - annual parasite incidence (API) of less than 1 - by 2020, but it is a mammoth task.
CANACONA: The surge in Galgibag River due to the collapsed river banks and the unauthorised extraction of water from bore wells on the Kulty plateau have contaminated the wells in Galgibag and surr
PANJIM: Considering the transportation of the ore lying within the leasehold areas post-legal sanction, the State Government in its submission before the Bombay High Court at Goa has ruled out hand
Margao: Residents of Amrutnagar, Gogol-Fatorda, on Friday demanded that the authorities conduct an immediate study of the environmental impact and the possible health hazards that could arise due t