The controversial Omai gold mine which was shut down in August last year after a cyanide spill (Down to Earth, Vol 4, No 9) is to be reopened shortly, after a commission appointed by the

A public enquiry into the leakage of cyanide in August from a gold mine - one of South America's largest - has been stymied because it has run out of witnesses. An "environmental disaster" is

The mine owners responsible for the cyanide leak in Guyana (see Down To Earth, Vol 4, No 9) are now making a hectic bid to prove to the world that the calamity in the Omai'mine was an

More than 325 mil- lion gallons of deadly cyanide waste spilled recent- ly into the Essequibo, central Guyana's biggest river, killing thousands of fish and forcing the government to adopt emergency

AN alternative structural adjustment programme (asap), formulated by the Guyana-based Bretton Woods Reform Organisation (bwro), has managed to garner German support for itself. Backed by Germany's
