Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday sent out a clear message to the farmers that they would get “benefits” if they let their land be acquired for setting up power plants in the

In a first in the country, the Haryana government on Tuesday provided jobs to 129 eligible family members of those farmers whose land has been acquired for the Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Plant, Khe

The Haryana Government on Wednesday sought higher allocation of power from Central sector projects.

Fatehabad: Dr Surender Gadekar, an anti-nuclear crusader, said today that the proposed nuclear plant at Gorakhpur would endanger health of the people living in its vicinity.

Concluding his seven-day awareness drive in villages surrounding Gorakhpur, Gadekar said a detailed scientific study on the hazards of nuclear plants showed that such plants had serious impact on the health of babies born i

Even as the fate of the first nuclear plant to be set up in Haryana at Gorakhpur in Fatehabad district is in

Parties like the INLD and the HJC of Kuldeep Bishnoi, which are opposing the Fatehabad nuclear power plant, must be having their own reasons to do so.

Chandigarh Haryana government has shortlisted two locations for setting up its second nuclear power plant.

Kitlana in Bhiwani or Balsamand in Hisar likely site
Haryana is betting high on nuclear power.

The Haryana Government had also selected two places

Chandigarh Haryana and Israel agreed to constitute working groups to strengthen agricultural cooperation.
