Gulf Coast residents from Texas to Florida struggled with a third day of severe weather on Monday with one man dead and a teenager missing in rough waters as remnants of Tropical Storm Lee lashed t

After testing New Orleans' flood defenses over the weekend, Tropical Storm Lee moved northeast on Monday after weakening to a tropical depression, and threatened to bring heavy rains and flooding t

Tropical Storm Lee crawled onto southern Louisiana’s coast today as New Orleans prepared for one of the biggest tests of its flood defences since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city in 2005.
The National Hurricane Center said Lee’s centre was about 125 miles west-southwest of New Orleans, with maximum sustained winds of 45 mph at around 11 am EDT, and tropical storm-force winds extending 275 miles.

Gurmeet Singh thought that she had squirreled away enough water. In her preparations before Tropical Storm Irene, Ms.

A slow-moving and soggy storm that has been dawdling in the Gulf of Mexico for days is expected to come ashore this weekend, bringing rainfall so heavy that officials say excessive flooding is all

Katia, a Category 1 Hurricane, has weakened to a tropical storm but some restrengthening was forecast during the next 48 hours, the U.S.

La Nina, a weather phenomenon typically linked to flooding in the Asia-Pacific, African drought and a more intense hurricane season over the Atlantic, could occur in a weak form this year, the Worl

Weather forecasters are keeping a close eye on a new hurricane churning in the mid-Atlantic even as the East Coast recovers from Irene.

Floodwaters finally started to recede from areas of the U.S.

Hurricane Irene will most likely prove to be one of the 10 costliest catastrophes in the nation’s history, and analysts said that much of the damage might not be covered by insurance because it was
