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Lakes sediments consists of biological and non biological matter accumulated since from formation of the lake. Sediment sequence in lake represents information about the activities within the lake and in its catchment area over a period of time since its inception. Hussain Sagar Lake located in the heart of Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad receives toxic substances from the industrial effluent discharges in to it through incoming nallas.

This citizen’s report looks upward from the city to harmonise, and align with the larger national goals while assessing the unique solutions the city needs.

Fri, 2015-08-28 (All day)
Tue, 2015-11-03 (All day)
Mon, 2015-07-13 (All day)
Hyderabad Metropolitan Area spreads over 1905 sq.km. The city has 7 million people. Additional one million people enter the city every day. The central core of the city -- only168 sq.km, holds 60 percent of the people and 70 percent of the jobs. Though the city’s air pollution shows arrested trend this Southern city is poised for vehicle explosion. Share of car trips is increasing steadily, taking away space from walkers and public transport users. Congestion has slowed down peak hour traffic. The city needs rapid mobility transition.
