The UT Health Department is going to introduce rotavirus vaccine (RVV) in Routine Immunisation Schedule from July onwards.

Kerala has emerged as the top ranking state in the second health index launched by NITI Aayog, while Uttar Pradesh is the worst, reported PTI. The health index is a composite measure of States and Union Territories based on 23 health indicators with major weightage to the outcomes.

Vaccines have revolutionized public health, preventing millions of deaths each year, particularly in childhood. Yet, there is considerable variability in the magnitude and persistence of vaccine-induced immunity. Maintenance of specific antibody is essential for continuity of vaccine-induced serological protection.

HOUSTON: Harmful particulate matter in the atmosphere may lead to birth defects and even fatalities during pregnancy, according to a study conducted in mice.

Progress has been made towards achieving global and regional immunization targets in the African Region. The introduction of new vaccines in Africa has been a major success, gathering pace with Gavi support.

MUMBAI: Over a dozen fresh cases of suspected measles have been detected in children from two city wards.

The awareness created for the polio vaccine with the help of the community must extend to other vaccines, said paediatricians

India has 2.9 million children who have missed out on the first dose of measles vaccine between 2010 and 2017 despite over 80 per cent of immunisation coverage, the UNICEF said on Thursday.

The Somali government, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) had kicked off a national polio immunization campaign aiming to reach

Thane: In order to meet the 100 per cent target of MR vaccination, the civic health authorities have decided to visit each and every household so that not a single child is missed from being vaccin
