The Gujarat government will connect over 6,000 villages by March 2006, under the e-gram project, the panchayat minister of the state informed the state assembly in the first week of April. COLONIALISM VINDICATED "We don't own the land, the land owns us,' is the declaration on the mast head of the site under review. But don't go by such lofty statements. Check the governors Here's an initiative that helps us come to terms with cantankerous babus. It helps one track complaints against civic authorities online. Initiated in 2003 by SANS all politics This site is meant to educate the uninitiated about the basics of climate change. "Most people have heard about climate change, they might even express a internet hunting A new shoot 'em up venture has been launched in Texas, home of the world's most famous huntsman-statesman. Last month Texan rancher John "Your best choice for drinks industry news, analysis and research,' is how this website introduces itself. Truly so, for the site provides the latest information on the drink