
Online land records good tool for land grabbing

Questions over Maharashtra s online land records & riding high Lata is an address of protest and conflict. It was the village in the higher alpine pasture areas of Chamoli, Uttaranchal, where the first

Under attack for gagging information and news, the Chinese government has reacted sharply to retort that their controls on websites and Internet service providers are no different from those used in

Heat it up!
You contribute to climate change. You have been told that a million times before. But this time, you are being given a chance to contribute in a different way.

The BBC, Britain's Meteorological Office, Oxford University, and the University of California at Berkeley, USA, have launched a software which will mobilise the idle time of computers to better predict climate change.


EU directive It makes many jobs easy Organisations in the development sector monitor news that is relevant to their work. This can be a laborious job, especially when the

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