KANPUR: Central Leather Research Institute's (CLRI) detailed project report (DPR) about zero liquid discharge technique for tannery waste treatment plant came in for critical scrutiny at a meeting

KANPUR: Tannery owners of Kanpur Nagar have demanded to extend the monitoring date fixed by the Central and state pollution control boards.

In India, nothing encapsulates the failure of governance more than the unforgivable abuse of the Ganga, its largest and most vital source of freshwater.

NEW DELHI: The Green Chemistry Network Centre (GCNC) of Delhi University has claimed to have developed a solution for chromium pollution from tanneries.

LUCKNOW: Several teams constituted by the UP Pollution Control Board inspected 44 tanneries in Kanpur district on Wednesday. The teams were constituted by the UPPCB as a follow-up to an order passed by the Allahabad High Court early in November.

Kanpur: With the launch of the countrywide campaign to save Ganga, convener of the