KENDRAPARA: Villagers of Satabhaya and Kanhupur under Rajnagar block in Kendrapara district have opposed the recent decision of the State Government to shift them to nearby Bagapatia area.

KENDRAPARA: Suspected Sara (crypasomaisis) and anthrax diseases have claimed at least 35 head of cattle and goats in last two weeks in Kendrapara district.

The diseases were first detected during first week of January. Only after the diseases spread to many villages, the authorities woke up and announced a contingency plan.

BHUBANESWAR: The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) which is all set to be implemented in Orissa starting May has adopted a multi-pronged approach.

The project, estimated at Rs 200 crore, will have various components most of which deal with coastal conservation.

At least 1,610 saltwater (estuarine) crocodiles were sighted by the Bhitarkanika forest personnel in the annual census of the crocodile, which was recently concluded at the creeks, rivulets and water bodies of the Bhitarkanika river system, said DFO of Rajnagar Mangrove (Wildlife) Forest Division PK Behera.

KENDRAPARA: Till five years back, Mahadev Mallick (54) of Pandorikoili village in Rajkanika block had a roof over his head and over three acres of land which helped him eke out a living.

At present, he and his family of four reside in a shanty at the Harijan Basti in Pattamundei deprived of even basic necessities.

Thousands of carcasses of the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles are scattered along the stretch of sea beach from Dhamra to Paradip coast under Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary, one of the largest rookeries for the species, in the ongoing turtle nesting season. As a result, bad odour emanating from the dead turtles is creating unhygienic conditions in the beaches.

Sighting of bloated and motionless bodies of Olive Ridley sea turtles lend credence to the belief that unlawful trawling operation despite prohibition is in full swing along the Gahirmatha marine sanctuary in Orissa's Kendrapara district.


KENDRAPARA: Spiraling prices of food items have hit the mid-day meal(MDM) scheme in Kendrapara. As a result, many SHGs and panchayat officials associated with the MDM scheme are expressing inability to manage the show with meagre funds being provided by the State Government for the purpose.

KENDRAPARA: Even as the world leaders are debating the grave danger to earth at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in Denmark (COP 15 Copenhagen), back home in Kendrapara district the victims of climate change are unaware of the brain-storming sessions.
