The bans, however, do not feature as a recommendation by an expert committees that had been formed to look into the question of dealing with air pollution.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhas Datta Vs State of West Bengal & Others dated 18/09/2018 regarding air pollution caused by the method used for road repairing, fire in Dhapa Dumping ground, plying of old vehicles, burning of solid waste and other related issues.

Civic workers clear a pile of garbage at DuttabadCivic workers clear a pile of garbage at Duttabad

Salt Lake: At least 100 of the 144 wards in Calcutta are vulnerable to dengue with 109 cases reported between August 15 and 22.

Many countries around the world have been moving toward greater installation of urban solar panels and most of these are in urban areas where the impact of these reductions in output could be quite

Calcutta: Around 75 people have been infected with the dengue virus in the Calcutta Municipal Corporation area over the past month, the mayoral council member in charge of health said on Thursday.

KOLKATA: The civic authorities have removed a number of open vats in Salt Lake, setting up waste compactor stations at different places.

KOLKATA: Following the year’s first swine flu case, reported by The Times of India on Monday, the health department has sounded an alert.

KOLKATA: In a desperate attempt to enforce strict dengue prevention rules at city’s construction sites, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation has served ‘stop work’ notices to as many as 50 under-cons
