HUAXIN Town in Qingpu District illegally dug a football pitch sized landfill near homes, in which residents claim hazardous industrial waste has been dumped, Shanghai Television news reported yeste

Following a fire that erupted at the Vendipalayam yard

Following a day-long conference on Solid Waste Management organised by the Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC) on Thursday, the commission sought proposals from C Srinivasan and Dr S R Maley.

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Government spent an estimated J$235 million to extinguish the recent 12-day fire at the Riverton landfill.

The innovation in science and technology coupled with the change in lifestyle of an individual has made an incredible change in the electronic industry show casing an assorted range of new products every day to the world. India too has been impacted by this digital revolution where consumption of electronics goods grows at a rapid rate producing a large amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Waste-to-energy incineration plants may not help Delhi deal with its massive trash problem. They may instead end up adding to its air pollution and cost the government a substantial sum.

Fortunes could be saved from going down the drain by extracting gold and precious metals from human excrement, scientists suggest.

In a bid to address the growing concerns over solid waste management in the city, the district administration has identified two sites, which would serve as landfills.

The millennium city generates about 600 tonnes of municipal solid waste every day, which is handled in the most conventional manner.

The National Green Tribunal bench in Pune has set aside the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board's (MPCB) approval to a proposed municipal solid waste (MSW) facility that posed a potential contamina
