The Government has rejected calls, made by the Environmental Audit Committee, to require new products to be recyclable and to ban food waste going to landfill to help stimulate the circular economy

CORTALIM: The Cortalim-Quelossim sarpanch came in for strong criticism from the gram sabha members after he feigned ignorance over the massive CRZ violation for a multi-crore project in his ward at

A plan to minimise garbage being sent to the city’s landfill sites has been set in motion by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), which is inviting expressions of interest for its ‘zero ga

The Royal Mail successfully implemented simple sustainability measures across energy efficiency, water use and waste disposal, including a 19% reduction in C02 emissions compared with a 2005 baseli

Although I was aware that the pollution caused by landfill couldn't be doing the environment much good, I hadn't realised quite how much the methane from such dumps contribute to global warming.

Processing Unit Coming Up Here

Environmental NGOs are applauding the efforts of the Central government to highlight the lack of sanitation and cleanliness in the city, but most experts believe there are various aspects which hav

DuPont and Procter & Gamble (P&G) have teamed up on a new initiative to use renewable agricultural biomass in the production of Tide-branded laundry detergent.

The purpose of this study is to outline the major trends and challenges that will shape the future of waste management for the next few decades in major metropolitan cities like Kolkata. There are certain trends and facts that more or less create the ‘bigger picture’ in which the waste management industry will evolve. It is clear that new challenges are emerging, and the current situation must be seen in a different way because the disposal site is limited and also it has to be made cost effective.

A mere 15kg of the 120kg waste brought back from the Kas plateau entered the recycle stream, with the rest probably headed to landfills.
