Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Pranav Pandurang Sagar & Others Vs MoEF&CC & Others dated 13/01/2025.

The matter related to roadside garbage lying at a number of sites in Latur. According to the applicant, the Latur Municipal Corporation has not been taking adequate steps to clear and clear the roadside garbage lying and at the number of sites to avoid health hazards.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Amol S/o Shripati Pawar V/s. Commissioner, Latur Municipal Council & Others dated 23/08/2017 regarding municipal solid waste management, Latur, Maharashtra. Counsel appearing on behalf of the Latur Municipal Corporation submits that CCTV cameras have been installed at the MSW Plant and dumping site and steps are being taken to install Data Logger System coupled with meter for recording the supply of electricity at the plant and its utilisation. Urban Development Department, Govt.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Ravindra Vs The Commissioner, Latur & Others dated 03/01/2017 regarding munincipal solid waste management, Latur, Maharashtra.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mr.Amol Pawar & Ors Vs The Commissioner, Latur Mun. Corpn.& Ors dated 03/02/2014 regarding disposal of municipal solid waste in Latur, Maharashtra. The order notes that "MSW processing equipments were lying unused for years together and an inquiry is necessarily required to be made as to why the same were not being used for disposal of the MSW".

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/18-2013(WZ)(OA)_3Feb2014.pdf

The water supply to the Latur city was earlier managed by Latur Municipal Corporation (LMC) and had faced major problems in terms of supplying water to its citizens due to source limitations and very poor water supply accounting. From LMC, the water management function was transferred to Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) to infuse operational improvements and finance for various capital schemes.