A major NSW regional council has introduced a supernatant recycling system into the filtration plant in the town water supply, helping to conserve potable water and provide substantial water savings over the long term. The Bathurst Regional Council recycle system, installed by Ted Wilson & Sons of Blayney using equipment supplied by CST Wastewater Solutions, recovers and disinfects the filter backwash water at the plant.

Kamal Meattle says that water crisis is grave and would worsen in future. It is time that people should do their bit and start making sincere efforts towards water conservation. Paharpur Business Centre & Software Technology Incubator Park (PBCTM - STIP) realized this looming crisis long back and resorted to water conservation measures in earnest.

A major steel plant on the east coast of Sweden has recently installed a new rolling mill. In conjunction with this, they've introduced the principle of 100% recycling of both the process water and slag resulting from the cooling process. As part of their effort to implement this, they've installed a DynaSand filtration plant.

Without water people cannot survive, but without good sanitation and hygiene practices the water available could become contaminated and lead to disease and death. Every year 1.5 million people, most of them children, die from complications associated with diarrhea that they picked up from dirty water.

Many municipal water treatment plants utilize Ozone Treatment Systems to produce clean water for residential and industrial users. While all the various types of water treatment systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Ozone systems provide excellent disinfection and avoid some of the chemical byproduct problems experienced with the use of chlorination. Ozone treatment systems also produce no odors or after-taste, which makes the finished water more palatable.

Most water analysts are using DPD kits and colorimeters to measure free chlorine residual, but there is a better way.

The Thai International textile manufacturing plant in Perunurai, discharges significant volume of wastewater each day. The pH level must be controlled to meet requirements for safe discharge. This modern textile dye facility processes cotton fabric using color dye stuffs and proprietary chemicals.

The ammonium mix process is sustainable because it converts municipal solids into a product that fertilizes crops.

The meat processing industry is entering uncharted waters as governments worldwide introduce carbon pricing regimes and expand community awareness about which industries are posing environmental challenges in terms of air and water purity. Meat processing - including cattle, sheep, pig and poultry plants will attract attention as we move further into the current decade, both in terms of its energy use to produce steam and hot water, for example, and for quality of its wastewater and its emissions to air.

In 1999, the Israeli government initiated a long-term, large scale SWRO (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis) desalination program. The program is designed to provide to the growing demands on Israel's scarce water resources, and to mitigate the drought conditions that have characterized most years since the mid 1990s.
