Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh on Wednesday said the cost of acquiring land for the industry would rise once the new land acquisition Bill was enacted, but the benefits that the law would bring to the people affected by industrial projects would outweigh its costs.
He said the proposed law which had been sent to a Parliamentary Standing Committee headed by BJP MP Sumitra Mahajan, was aimed at striking a balance between the need of infrastructure creation and giving a better deal to the project affected families.

The New Land Acquisition Bill Proposes To Strike A Balance Between Development And Displacement.

India Inc has generally welcomed the Land Acquisition Bill cleared by the Cabinet on Monday and endorsed its objective of ensuring reasonable compensation to land owners who sell their land to the industry. But corporates have also expressed concern over the likely burden of procedures and the high cost of the relief and rehabilitation (R&R) policy which could finally lie on the industry.

New Delhi: The Union Cabinet on Monday cleared the land acquisition bill which proposes to give a much better deal, including higher compensation, to landowners, and sets the stage for a radical ov

The government today gave its approval to the draft Land Acquisition Bill, in time to ensure it is tabled in this Parliament session.

The Bill provides for acquisition of 5% of multi-crop land in a district as a 'last resort', with the rider that an equal area of wasteland within the district will have to be developed. Earlier, rural development minister Jairam Ramesh had opposed acquisition of multi-crop land for industrial purposes.

While approving the rather diluted National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill and its introduction in Parliament during the current monsoon session, the Union Cabinet on Monday decided to discuss the crucial issue at the National Development Council (NDC) meeting in October.

New Delhi: Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said states should invoke the penalty clause against government officials for not doing their work under the job scheme.

Kolkata: Their basic difference on “forcible land acquisition” remains, but Mamata Banerjee and Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh have reached a truce on the draft land bill that will

Efforts are on to introduce the bill before the end of monsoon session
