Directives have been issued to the concerning officers in connection with funds allocated for conservation-cum-development schemes for primitive tribes for the year 2007-08. According to the directives, they have been asked to approve on priority basis the schemes under this Rs ten crore plan. Principles laid down by the Union government have also been incorporated in it.

The state government has instructed district collectors to send the proposals about improvement of administration in tribal areas and primitive tribes which are to be forwarded to 13th Finance Commission. The government has asked them to send proposals regarding arrangements of land, houses, special nutritious diet, drinking water and establishment of Ashram Shools apart from construction of houses for departmental employees. Besides, divisional commissioners have been asked to convene division level meetings soon in this connection.


These rules may be called the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules,

The Orissa government has handed over to private companies virtually all the iron ore mines, which are in some of the most underdeveloped districts of the State, leading to protests by tribal peopl

Environmentalists fear Scheduled Tribe Bill will put India's forest cover at stake.

Bhopal, Feb 18: The time-bound implementation of Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition to Forest Rights) Act 2006 and Rule 2007 is underway with full intensity in Madhya Pradesh. The state government has sanctioned Rs eight crore 60 lakh so that the Act can be implemented within the deadline without any hindrance. Commissioner Tribal Development has been made the budget controller of this amount sanctioned from emergency fund.
