The Delhi High Court on Wednesday took a tough stand on the controversial BRT corridor in the Capital and emphasized on immediate steps to ease the traffic flow on the stretch.

Erode Corporation has completed preparation of a detailed project report for its ambitious Uratchikottai Water Supply scheme with the cost estimated to be Rs. 407 crore.

The civic body will implement the scheme with funds from Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Limited (TNUIFSL) with assistance from German Development Bank (KfW).

The Government has approved three highway projects in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Orissa that entail an investment of Rs 3,412 crore, under the National Highways Development Project.

A march was taken out to the district collectorate under the aegis of the NH 17 Joint Protest Committee on Wednesday, demanding the immediate construction of a four-lane road using the 30 metre land acquired for the widening of the Edappally-Moothakunnam stretch of the National Highway.

Protestors, including women, nuns, and uniform-clad students marched from the bus stand to the collectorate.

The government has invited bids for about 15 projects worth .

HC To Decide On Fate Of Agreement.

Infrastructure Company C&C Constructions is investing .

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday minced no words in accusing Mayawati government of misusing funds meant for the National Rural Health Mission.

Finally, pipe-laying work for the much-awaited Alappuzha Drinking Water Project will begin in the municipal jurisdiction on Friday.

The project, which saw the High Court on Wednesday summoning the top-brass of the Kerala Water Authority to the court to enquire upon the delay in completion, at last got the nod from the municipality to go ahead with digging up of roads for laying the pipelines.

With the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM), headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, on Wednesday not approving the procedural relaxations for floating of tenders for roads and highways, the
