CHENNAI: After announcing ban on “use and throwaway plastics” with effect from January 1, 2019, the Tamil Nadu government recently issued orders exempting a number of items such as plastic bags tha
Coimbatore: The directorate of the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Chennai, has sent a communication to the programme coordinators and chief educational officers of districts across the
Plastic drinking straws are just one example of some of the pointless plastic products that have proved to be a curse for the environment, United Nations Environment head Erik Solheim has said.
Maharashtra environment minister Ramdas Kadam on Saturday lauded the decision of the state government of imposing a ban on the use of plastic in the state.
Agra: The Uttar Pradesh government’s much-hyped programme of zero tolerance to use of disposal plastic, especially at Taj Mahal, hasn’t taken off as plastic water bottles and shoe covers still rema