Recently, Green-peace International, together with a hired British nuclear engineer, John Large, inspected a nuclear dump in Taiwan. Resembling a neatly tended corporate campus with only a sign in

THE world's last untouched natural nuclear fission 'reactor' is in the centre of a row between conservationists and a mining company. The reactor was formed naturally two billion years

A top secret Soviet nuclear complex contaminated its environs for 40 years, exposing thousands of people in the vicinity to radiation

the accident-prone nuclear industry of Japan received yet another jolt when a fire and explosion hit a nuclear-waste reprocessing plant resulting in a low-level radiation leak. Inadequate action by

a train carrying nuclear waste from the southwestern town of Walheim to Dannenberg in the north has triggered violent protests in several towns en route. On reaching Dannenberg, the waste would be

The Taiwanese government has earned the wrath of the Yami people residing in the Orchid Islands - 62 km east of the country's southern tip - for dumping of nuclear waste for 14 long years by the

Desperate North Korea is ready to accept atomic waste from Taiwan

france is in the midst of another nuclear controversy. Barely four months after creating an international outrage by carrying out nuclear tests in the south Pacific waters, it is facing new

there seems to be some consensus on the means of disposing excess pluto

An old plan to lug deadly radioactive wastes to the remote corners of the solar system is being revived by some Russian scientists
