the us Supreme Court did not change the ruling that said that the federal government may be sued for damages resulting from a failure to collect nuclear waste from disposal sites. The judges

The seas around the UK will not be free of radioactive discharges for several years

An accident at a steel mill in Spain has contaminated large parts of southern Europe with radioactivity, say environmentalists. The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council says scrap containing the

LARGE areas of western Siberia and the Arctic Ocean are facing threat of conta-mination by deposits of radioactive salts in a Ural Mountains lake, says Yuri Vishnevsky, head of the Russia's Nuclear

STUDIES have revealed that Cogema, the operator of the state-owned La Hague reprocessing plant, has installed inadequate equipment off the plant's discharge pipe, 30 metres under the sea, in a futile

THE British government have planned to press for a complete ban on the dumping of steel oil installations in the sea. The proposal will come during meeting of environment ministers in Sintra,

Moscow and Oslo have signed

the Bonn government has banned transport of radioactive waste within and outside Germany from its nuclear power stations. The decision has been taken following the discovery of radiation on

the rusting fleet of decommissioned nuclear submarines in Russia may pose serious threats to the environment, say environmentalists and military experts. "The danger of nuclear waste remains

Radiation leakage from 2,000 underground, corroded drums that stored radioactive waste contaminated water in areas surrounding a nuclear plant in Japan
