The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) have agreed to finance Diamer-Bhasha dam project, and the Planning Commission has asked the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) to formally request assistance from them.

Punjab government has evolved a comprehensive programme costing more than Rs 1 billion to cope with the increasing level of pollution on account of increasing trend of population, industrial development and vehicles in the province.

The country has spent over $1.2 billion on import of power generation machinery during the current fiscal year, depicting a surge of 63 percent over last year, as the power generation utilities have not been able to meet the power demand, importers said.

Development works on Pak-Iran gas pipeline project would be undertaken shortly, the Managing Director, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), Abdul Rashid Loan revealed. Talking to Business Recorder he disclosed that the Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline project would be accomplished at a cost of $2.5 billion dollars in four years.

The Prime Minister, Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani has directed the Ministry of Water and Power and Petroleum to ensure smooth power and gas supply to industry on top priority to expedite the industrialisation process in the country.

Federal Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that an amount of $3.5 billion is needed to overcome the prevailing 3,500MW power shortage.

President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI Sultan Ahmed Chawla) and Chairman Pakistan-Turkey Business Council, Amjad Rafi Thursday welcomed the installation of first wind power generation plant by Turkish Company, Zorlu Energy, which was launched by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Sunday.

Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervez Ashraf said on Thursday that people of Karachi would soon see relief in load shedding. He said this after signing ceremony of rental services contract of 232 MW barge-mounted Karkey Rental Power Project, a project of Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim A.S., Turkey.

We are losing 30,000 children to poor environmental conditions at our houses and 25,000 adults to overall air pollution in the country every year.

This was observed by Minister for Environment Askari Taqvi while speaking at an Earth Day event held at the Wetland Centre of the World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-P) at Sandspit, Karachi.

Pakistan faces gas price issue with Turkmenistan regarding Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project as Turkmenistan has shown reluctance to export gas below $11.4 per million British thermal unit (MMBTU).
