Atul Aneja
DUBAI: Iran and Pakistan on Sunday signed a deal to lay a gas pipeline for taking Iranian gas to Pakistan.

The deal, christened the Peace Pipeline, was signed in Tehran by Iran

'Significant volumes of LPG are being imported by the private sector under the existing, competition-conducive policy framework, which should remain unchanged for the sake of market stability.' The LPG Association of Pakistan (LPGAP) said on Thursday.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) through UNDP has selected National Energy Conservation Centre (Enercon) to initiate a regional project titled 'Barrier Removal to Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling', in Pakistan costing $7.8 million of which an amount of $1million has been allocated to ease regional trade in energy efficient appliances.

Additional Secretary Mines and Mineral Department Sindh Dr Abdul Rauf Siddiqui has said that the government of Sindh is playing a vital role in developing natural resources especially coal.

Reliance on wind power to overcome power shortage is next to impossible because of its highest installation cost and lowest availability factor comparing with other power generation avenues.

Federal Minister for Water and Power Raja Parvez Ashraf has said that 4.5 billion dollars are being invested in power generation sector to add 4000 megawatt electricity to the system and overcome power crisis by the end of the current calendar year.

The National Assembly Standing Committee on Science and Technology stressed the need for Alternative Energy Sources to overcome the energy crises. The Committee recommended that the Alternate Energy Development Board (AEDB) and Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technology (PCRET) be merged, as mandate of both the organisations were the same.

A large number of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) consumers are becoming prey to discount rate, wind-screen cleaning and full service of vehicles at the expense of sub-standard gas from some outlets offering incentives in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Gas has been discovered by the Oil and Gas Development Company in its exploratory Pasakhi-West deep well No 1 located in Hyderabad district in Sindh.

The wells were drilled down to the depth of 3.500 meters targeting to test the potentials of sand of lower Goru formation of cretaceous age.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has asserted that the Thar Coal and Energy Board is the only notified legal and authorised body to exercise all powers for deciding matters relating to mining and power generation from Thar coal.

He said this while presiding over a high-level meeting held here at the Chief Minister
