Question raised in Lok Sabha on Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats,05/01/2018. Year-wise details of funds released to State/UT Governments since the inception of IDWH is given on the Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generation of Solid Waste, 04/01/2018. The State / UTs wise details of estimated generation of municipal solid waste is given in Annexure.

A parliamentary committee suggested that the government should come out with a legislation on data privacy at the earliest, as the country moves towards digitalisation of economy.

The government should consider allowing domestic coal to be used in imported coal-based thermal power plants to reduce the dependency on the dry fuel bought from other countries, says a Parliamentary Committee report.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Status Wastage of Agricultural Products, 02/01/2018. The details of the post-harvest loss for 45 commodities are presented in Annexure-I.The volume of post-harvest loss of selected commodities is given in Annexure-I. The economic value of quantitative loss of 45 crops/commodities was calculated to be approx. Rs.92651 crore at average annual prices of 2014 (Annexure-I).

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Growth Rate in Agriculture Sector, 02/01/2018. The details / estimates on Gross State Value Added (GSVA) for Agriculture and Allied Sector are compiled and released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) with the coordination of the States/UTs in the country. The State-wise details of the latest GSVA for agriculture & allied sector (at constant 2011-12 prices) and its rate of growth are given at Annexure- I (A) & Annexure- I (B) respectively.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Covering of Crops under Crop Insurance Schemes, 29/12/2017. The Government is presently implementing the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) and Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) in the country. The PMFBY and RWBCIS envisage coverage of all food and oilseeds crop and commercial/horticultural crops. It is, however, the prerogative of the State Government/ Union Territory to select the crops which they want to be covered under the schemes.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Waste-To-Energy Plants, 28/12/2017. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has supported 180 waste-to-energy plants based on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Urban & Industrial Waste for generation of power, biogas and bioCNG. These plants are functioning properly meeting the desired objective of utilizing agricultural waste, urban waste, industrial waste and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) for generating power, producing biogas and BioCNG.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Status of Small Hydro Power Projects, 28/12/2017. 1085 small hydro power projects with aggregate capacity of 4399.355 MW capacity have been set up upto November 2017. The State wise number of Small Hydro Projects installed by 30.11.2017 are given in Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Open Defecation Free Districts, 28/12/2017. State/UT-wise, no. of districts declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) districts and the number of districts that are yet to be declared ODF as on 22.12.2017 is at Annexure-1.
