Pune City-based Ram Bhutkar has compiled a one-of-its-kind directory that gives information about snake rescuers in the city. The directory, Sarpamitra Soochi, Pune Zilla gives names, addresses, photographs, email address and contact numbers of 310 snake rescuers in the city. It was released on Monday by State Forest Minister Patangrao Kadam.

Pune Even as the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has appealed the citizens to save water, the civic body is perhaps oblivious to the wastage of water in its own headquarters.

Pune Even though no concrete solution has been found by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) as far as the garbage depot at the Phursungi and Uruli Devachi is concerned, the civic
administration is in the process of completing the work of two wet garbage processing units in Hadapsar.

Pune Considering that the situation of water availability might get worse due increasing heat of the summer, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to rope in another fleet of 100 water tankers to cater to the needs of the residents, especially on the outskirts.

Terming the report of the proposed metro rail project in Pune a mere copy of the Delhi metro rail project as local conditions had not been considered, consultant of the Delhi as well as Bangalore Metro rail projects Kuldeep Singh said here that considering the geographic conditions of Pune, an underground Metro would be more suitable for the city.

Pune The Commandant of the College of Military Engineering (CME), Lt Gen USP Sinha, on Thursday inaugurated the green building at the college, which will not only conserve energy but is also fitted with an efficient rainwater harvesting system.

Pune Pune

Considering the increasing number of vehicles and rising pollution levels, the Regional Transport Office (RTO) is planning to target companies and appeal them to observe a

Pune Door-to-door waste collection that now covers only 2.5 lakh houses out of the 7.5 lakh in Pune city is drawing local politicians.

Pune While the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has to invest crores of rupees to set up a Sewage Treatment Plant
