Pune In order to expedite different projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Mayor Mohansingh Rajpal has requested the union government to provide funds of Rs 10,000 crore. Rajpal has written a request letter to the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia in this regard.

Pune, once a city of bicycles, is now the automobile city and the presence of leading automobile manufacturers is only one side of the story.

According to the Regional Transport Office (RTO), the last decade has seen the number of vehicles in the city growing by no less than 10 lakh. Out of this, the number of two-wheelers added onto the city roads alone accounts for a whopping 7.5 lakh.

Pune The Pune Municipal Corporation is inter-connecting sewage treatment plants to meet its target of 100 per cent treatment of waste generated every day, after it hit hurdles particularly in the morning, when waste generated is maximum.

Pune The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has sought Prime Minister Mamohan Singh

Pune Plantation drive: PMC lays condition for care of plants for at least three years as activists predict a non-starter

Pune Though the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) implemented a project that drew accolades for generating power from garbage, it has been found to be doing little to pull out enough power from a special turbine set up at the Naidu sewage treatment plant, which is able to generate power from sewage water.

Sandeep Joshi

NEW DELHI: From Thursday, petrol and diesel prices will go up in 13 cities, including the four metros, where stricter Bharat Stage-IV emissions norms are being implemented, requiring the sale of upgraded and less polluting fuel.

The disposal of waste presents an increasing challenge to the administrative bodies of megacities. The Municipal Corporation of the Indian city Pune has introduced source separation systems and onsite organic waste composting. The citizens concerned are looking for practical ways to treat their organic wastes and they have found city farming to be a viable solution.

The prices of petrol and diesel will increase by Rs 0.50 and Rs 0.26 a litre, respectively, from April 1 in 13 big cities that switch to cleaner Euro-IV grade fuel.

Pune Irrigation officials also approve water for the city from Bhama -Ashkhed

The irrigation department has assured that there is enough water in the dams for the city to go without water cuts this summer, at least till June 15. Last year, the four dams supplying water to the city had a storage of 10.12 TMC on March 29. This year, the storage is 10.73 TMC.
