Pune Even as the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) in January proposed to launch operation of radio autorickshaws in the city over the next two months, the autorickshaw drivers and owners did not show much enthusiasm, as the plan involved the expenses of installing electronic meters and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Pune Under attack for the improper implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit System
(BRTS), the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) made it clear that only 40 per cent of the proposed 117-km BRTS in the city would have a dedicated bus lane.
Pune In a first-of-its-kind gathering, children from the city will come up with their Pune-specific recommendations for environment conservation, tackling climate change and disaster risk reduction. Around 300 students from class VII to IX from 50 schools in Pune will be participating in the conference
Pune Janwani, the NGO promoted by MCCIA for all stakeholders of Pune city, has called for increased participation by authorities, NGOs and individuals in the development of Pune Metropolitan Regional Development plan.
Pune Around thirty civil society organisations led by Peasants and Workers Party (PWP) leader N D Patil came together on Thursday demanding that the Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority (MWRRA) conduct public consultations in all revenue divisions before finalising the methods and regulations for determining bulk water tariff.
Pune The controversy over implementing Metro rail project in the city continued on Thursday with Municipal Commissioner Mahesh Zagade stating the city needs the project for better public transport.