R K Pachauri, the head of the UN panel of climate experts, have asked for concrete action at the grass-root level to save the environment and climate for future generations.

WITH the credibility of the UN climate panel under a cloud, IPCC chairman RK Pachauri chose to steer clear of the Himalayan glacier controversy. Instead, Dr Pachauri focused on a report prepared by Teri on India

Shoddy Work Behind Warning

Minister for Environment and Forest Jairam Ramesh has reiterated claims by Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, chairman of the UN body

Abu Dhabi, Jan 19, (PTI):

R K Pachauri, head of UN's panel of climate scientists on Tuesday defended his Nobel winning team over forecasting an early disappearance of the Himalayan glaciers, saying he will soon come with a response report on the issue.

That Himalayan glaciers have not been melting at an alarming rate as claimed by the IPCC dents the body

New Delhi: The furore over the validity of data used by UN

In revelations that embarrass the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

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