Two research scholars lost their lives in a major fire that broke out at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Trombay on Tuesday afternoon. Barc sources said scientists working there heard a loud explosion in the modular laboratory, which houses over 60 research scholars and assistants, and rushed to see flames and smoke billowing out of the third floor at around noon.


The statement of IGP (Western Range), Gopal Hosur on the safety aspects at Kaiga Atomic Power Station (KAPS) has raised several questions over security measures at the nuclear power plant in Uttara Kannada district.

New Delhi: Admitting a

Vinay Kumar

NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday said it was reviewing the processes, procedures and human performance aspects at all nuclear power stations following the

Karwar: There have been serious violations of protocol at the Kaiga Atomic Power Station in handing radioactive material. The guidelines issued by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) to its employees on handling radioactive material appear to have not been followed by some employees at the Kaiga station, Gopal B.

Processes, procedures and human performance aspects of all nuclear power plants are being reviewed following the radioactive contamination of drinking water at Kaiga Atomic Power Station, Minister of State, PMO, Prithviraj Chavan, said on Thursday.

Karwar: Intelligence agencies had warned the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) authorities about possible threats to the security of the Kaiga power plant.

Raman Gupta, Superintendent of Police, Uttar Kannada had written on two occasions to the officials in charge of the security of the plant conveying the concerns of intelligence agencies.

Surendra Gadekar

Leakage raises safety concerns If the heightened security system is so lax, how can people trust the nuclear establishment's ability to provide fool-proof security?

New Delhi/Karwar: When staff and workers at the Kaiga nuclear plant began to show above normal radiation levels, authorities hit the alarm button. Teams began to urgently scour the complex for signs of a telltale radiation leak that could have exposed the staff to radioactivity.
