Residues polluting air and water, residents near RTPS complain to Justice Adi

Wind appears to be blowing the Karnataka way for the moment, after disappointing it for several weeks.

Bellary Thermal Plant may become operational in May second week

Energy Minister Shobha Karandlaje has said the State will purchase 990 MW of power to meet the demand during summer. The State is finding it difficult to purchase more power because of lack of corridors to evacuate electricity.

Faced with a power shortage of 840 megawatts (MW), the energy crisis in the State is likely to worsen in the coming summer days if the dependency on hydel power stations continues for long.

The current demand of 160 million units (mu) has left a peak load gap of about 15 mu, thanks to the water supply crisis at the Raichur Thermal Power Station (RTPS).

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu will get only 200 MW of power from Gujarat against the demand of 500 MW due to the non-connectivity of the southern grid with the new grid and the state’s power woes will come to an end once the connectivity is established by 2014, said a source connected to the project.

“The state has sought 500 MW power to tide over the crisis, but currently it will be getting only 200 MW of power through the HVDC link and it will not be able to avail of 300 MW of additional power due to lack of connectivity between the southern and the new grid which can come into being only in 2014 after the laying of 765 KV line between Raichur in Karnataka to Solapur in Maharashtra,

Power generation from Unit II of Raichur Thermal Power Station (RTPS) resumed on Tuesday, Karnataka Power Corporation Managing Director Yogendra Tripathi said.

Energy Minister Shobha Karandlaje has sought intervention of the Union Government to tackle the power crisis in the State.
Speaking to reporters here on Friday, Karandlaje said the Centre should take steps for supply of coal to Karnataka through alternative routes. Coal supply from Singareni Collieries has come to a standstill due to the Telangana stir in Andhra Pradesh.

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has claimed that the protests being held in Raichur about the installation of 2400 MW supercritical thermal power plant at Yedlapur and Yeramaras were unjustifed.

The Power Minister said that the power tariff will not be hiked in near future. We do not want to burden people. Though Escoms have filed tariff revision applications before KERC, the Government will not approve any hike, he stated.

Normal supply of power from the Bellary Thermal Power Station (BTPS) is all set to resume by Wednesday morning with the technical snag in the 500-MW unit having been fixed.

The unit tripped on Sunday night, leading to acute power shortage and consequent power cuts in the City.
