Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikas Shakya Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/05/2023. Grievance in the application is against violation of environmental norms by M/s ACC Cement Pvt. Ltd., the project proponent (PP), Salai Banwa Grinding unit, village Salai Banwa, tehsil Obra, district Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh. Violations alleged are obstruction of water streams/drains flowing into river Son, a tributary of Ganga.

The NGT sought response from a joint committee regarding complaint of violation of environmental norms in the matter of morrum mining in the river bed of Betwa river, tehsil Sarila, district Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh.

The joint committee will comprise the District Magistrate, Hamirpur and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board. It was alleged that the project proponent does not have requisite EC or consent to establish (CTE) nor consent to operate (CTO).

Report of the joint committee in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order dated January 16, 2023 in the matter of Original Application No. 57/2022 (WZ) Mahesh Kashinath Ranawade Vs the State of Maharashtra & Others.

Report by way of affidavit on behalf of district magistrate, Nainital, Uttarakhand in compliance of directions passed by the National Green Tribunal vide its order dated February 24, 2023. In compliance with the directions passed by the NGT, February 24, 2023 the District Magistrate, Nainital issued directions to the concerned officials to channelize the river in upside of Nandhaur to avoid the flood situation in Chorgalia region of district Nainital.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Pradeep Kumar Dhal & Others Vs State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority, Odisha & Others dated 13/03/2023. The matter related to sand mining in violation of the conditions laid down in the environmental clearance dated March 30, 2021 by engaging heavy trucks and transporting sand over the village road in the course of excavation of sand from Baitarani river, Salaba village, Jajpur district.

Report by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board to the National Green Tribunal dated March 9, 2023.

Report of the Joint Committee appointed by the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Original Application No. 592/2022 with respect to the petition filed by All Traditional River Fishermen Association, Karnataka. The matter related to sand mining in CRZ areas affecting the various species of fish. The petitioner had requested for protecting the various fish species in the Palguni and Nethravathi rivers from illegal sand miners.

Present status report filed by the Additional Chief Secretary, Environment Department, Kerala in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Suo Motu Vs Government of Kerala and others dated 16/02/2023.

The NGT, February 24, 2022 taking notice of a media report 'burning banks of Bharathapuzha' and how anti social elements continue to burn dried riparian grassland had asked for submission of a report on the matter and steps taken to prevent it.

Reply from the Commissioner and Secretary to government of Haryana, Irrigation and Water Resources Department in compliance of National Green Tribunal (NGT) orders dated 11/01/2023.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re: News item published in The Hindu dated 27.03.2022 titled “Digging up the Chambal”  dated 06/02/2023.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Adesh Kumar Yadav Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 11/01/2023.

The matter relates to raising of illegal construction at Gata No. 345/1, area 345 sq. mtr, which is a part of flood plain of river Ramganga by M/s Torrent Gas Pvt. Ltd. Any construction on the flood plain zone of the river which is tributary of river Ganga is prohibited, the complainant, Adesh Kumar Yadav pointed out in his application before the NGT.
