Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jahangir Vs State of Haryana dated 12/08/2022. Grievance in the application is against unscientific and illegal mining obstructing the flow of Yamuna river in village Belgarh. Fifteen Pokland machines are working day and night causing huge air pollution.

Objections to the joint committee report submitted to the National Green Tribunal, May 24, 2022 in pursuance of the National Green Tribunal order, February 18, 2022 in the matter of Ghanai Vs State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Uttar Pradesh & Others.

Judgment of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Akshay Kumar Tripathy Vs State of Odisha & Others dated 05/08/2022.

Judgment of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Tribunal on its Own Motion Re.:- Movement of Heavy Loaded Dumpers, Trucks and Traffic Control on the roads around Shivmandir Bazar and adjoining area Vs West Bengal Pollution Control Board & Others dated 28/07/2022.

This matter has been taken up Suo motu on the basis of a complaint, March 2, 2022 filed by Shivmandir Nagorik Mancha.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anish Vs Union of India & Others dated 19/07/2022.

Grievance in the application was against violation of environmental norms by certain sand mining companies at villages Pobari, Kohliwala and Bailgarh, district Yamuna Nagar, Haryana.

The livelihoods of rural communities depend primarily on the availability of and access to renewable resources, including water, land and living resources. These resources are components of ecosystems with complex and dynamic relationships.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of All India Kaimur People’s Front Vs Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change & Others dated 13/07/2022.

Joint Committee Report by MPCB in OA No.30/2022 (WZ) (Gaurav Ashok Dhote V/s Mining Officer, Nagpur & Ors.) The matter is about allegations against the District Authority, Nagpur for inviting tenders to carry out sand mining activities without replenishment plan, causing damage to Kanhan river ecology.

Site Visit Report in OA No.185/2017 (WZ) (Cavelossim Villagers Forum V/s Village Panchayat of Cavelossim, Salcete, Goa & Ors.).

The SDG indicator 6.3.2 (SDG 632) methodology helps countries to report on ambient water quality in a consistent and straightforward manner and has undergone several iterations since conception in 2016.
