THIS is an important addition to a rather limited number of publications documenting case studies of the participatory processes of natural resources management. The process of bringing out this

West Bengal s women panchayat members have become the torchbearers of rural development programmes in the state

The sathins (village-level female social workers) have been in the forefront of the Women's Development Programme (WDP) in the rural areas of Rajasthan. However, their commitment and success have

The nationwide livestock development project in Nepal which is in its third phase, is slated to receive a boost as the Asian Development Bank recently agreed to provide a loan assisstance from its

Anna Hazare , the force behind Maharashtra s model village of Ralegan Siddhi and the Adarsh Gaon Yojana Ideal Village Programme , is also in the limelight for his crusade against corruption in public life.

the accelerating growth rate of the rural non-farm sector (nfs) and its rising significance has necessitated the examination of the actors constituting it. Ajit Kanitkar makes a bold attempt at

Gandhiji's environmentalism was based on the following ethical principles: non-violence, truth and persevering the truth; shunning the use of materials obtained by illegitimate means and so on. Gandhiji said that we can use the bounties of nature but not with an element of greed.

Sitting in urban comforts and planning for a rural set up can only spell doom for any activity on the development front, for the village is a separate entity and not a smaller version of a city

To facilitate development and training in rural areas, the Indian Space Research Organisation is starting the

• For ensuring the safety of six major dams
