FILMS and videos have been used by environmentalists as promotional material for spreading their message. In addition to this, flash cards and posters have always formed an integeral part of the

The Union rural development ministry has stopped release of further funds to 8 states that have failed to hold elections to the panchayat raj institutions as required under the Panchayat Raj Act,

An ambitious programme of mapping the land resources of every village panchayat in Kerala has run into trouble. The project was conceived in 1988 by the Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad and the Centre

Gouditikra in Orissa provides a model of how community participation can transform a village

THE work of Robert Chambers, an eminent rural sociologist, has influenced academics as well as field workers and NGOs. This book aims to enunciate a new work ethic commensurate with his commitment to

Anna Hazare"s name is synonymous with rural development and people"s power. Hazare had once again hit the headlines in May by undertaking a fast at the Sant Dyaneshwar temple in Alandi, Maharashtra, to protest against the government"s apathy in tackling t

V B SALUNKE, a 58-year-old social worker, abandoned his engineering firm in 1972 to mobilise villagers towards community participation in the management of natural resources. The son of an army officer, Salunke developed the system of pani panchayats, or

Portrait of a village indifferent to the urge to move with the times

Self sustaining rural communities could be India's answer to her disrupted ecosystem.

Claiming their own, villagers of Seed in Rajasthan have blazed a path to eco sustainable resource use.
