A few individuals are trying to bring about changes at the grassroots level through dedicated and sustained work

Resettlement and rehabilitation of persons displaced by land acquisitions must form a part of the Land Acquisition Act, says NHRC

The government of Niger is modifying the country's forestry policy to evolve sustainable ways to harvest wood. It is launching a

Pandurang Shastri Athavale, famous social reformer, turns 80

A microhydel project a day. Communities snatch the

Whether it is Asia or Europe, countries find a new mantra: decentralise and electrify

Nightmarish laws and an insensitive government keeps thousands in the dark

For the country where only 15 per cent of its population have access to electricity, Nepal has come a long way. It took 84 years to achieve power generation of 250 megawatt. And only five years to add a whopping 125 megawatt through microhydels, an incr

Following the monsoon failure of 1999 2000, two states Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh launched crash programmes to encourage water harvesting. An appreciable shift, because governments in India have always gone in for high cost, high technology solutions

Report card: The government realised its failures and learned from the civil society. Despite cases of corruption and some errors in planning, the government programme is an achievement
Success level: Good
