KOLHAPUR: Illegal and unplanned sand excavation in Sangli district has made a devastating impact on the natural habitat of crocodiles along the Krishna river.
Sahyadri tiger reserve (STR) and the wildlife sanctuaries in Radhanagari and Sagareshwar will soon be equipped with more camera traps, tents and wireless systems.
Physicochemical investigation of water from public water supply schemes was carried out with the objective of assessing its potabiliy for drinking purpose. It was observed that, lowest BOD value of 5.3 mg/L and highest BOD value of 8.1 mg/L where as the lowest COD of 75.3 mg/L and highest COD of 112.30mg/L.. DO ranged from 3.4 to 6.3 mg/L. Electrical Conductivity was from 578 to 710 umho/cms which is below the permissible limit. The total hardness was from 33.89 to 20.99 mg/l, pH was acidic to mild alkaline. The Suspended solids and total dissolved solids were within permissible limit.
Sangli district guardian minister Patangrao Kadam said on Tuesday that two major lift irrigation projects-Tembhu and Takari-Mhaisal-have received Rs 112 and Rs 90 crore, respectively, from the Unio
The Sangli district collectorate auctioned 14 plots for sand mining on Sunday and earned Rs 10.32 crore. It is the first auction after a Supreme Court stay on sand mining was lifted recently.
NSL Power, which plans to invest $45 million to set up new wind farms in Maharashtra, is planning to raise around $15.75 million from the International Finance Corporation.
The decision of Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II to allow height of the Almatti dam to 524.26 metre would impact the natural flow of Krishna and Panchganga rivers, said irrigation department offi