The West Bengal government on Monday said it was exploring ways other than legal to transfer land to unwilling farmers in Singur days after the Calcutta High Court struck down the Singur land act, while a state minister said he favoured talks with the Tatas to break the impasse.

"By keeping the legal path open we are also pondering if there is any other way to resolve the Singur land impasse," Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee told reporters.

Tension prevails in villages after high court verdict
Mr Dulal Manna, who is 98, asserted: “We lost the fight because now we are divided in our land.”

The West Bengal government will have to “introspect” to find out the reasons why it lost the case challenging the constitutional validity of the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011 to Tata Motors, the West Bengal Congress, a constituent of the Trinamool Congress-led state government said here on Sunday.

“The State government will have to introspect on why it lost the case,” West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee (WBPCC) president Pradip Bhattacharya told journalists.

SINGUR (WB), 22 JUNE: Despondency has set in among farmers of Singur, who were unwilling to part with their land for Tata Motors small car project, after Calcutta High Court today ruled that the Si

Kolkata, June 22 (PTI): The Calcutta High Court on Friday held as unconstitutional and void the Singur Land Rehabilitation & Development Act of 2011 under which the Trinamool Congress-led state

KOLKATA, 4 JUNE: The state Cabinet will approve a proposal to pay Rs 1000 per month to the unwilling farmers and agricultural labourers of Singur at a meeting tomorrow.

KOLKATA, 17 APRIL: The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act has nothing to do with agrarian reform, counsel of the vendors of Tata Motors Limited (TML) at Singur, Mr SK Kapur, submitted b

KOLKATA, 10 APRIL: The entire Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act is redundant as, on one hand, the state is passing the Act and, on the other, submitting that the property had been retu

KOLKATA, 22 MARCH: The state government plans to offer incentives to encourage industrialists to set up their units in the state, commerce and industries minister, Mr Partha Chatterjee said here th

Chief minister Mamata Banerjee today told the Assembly that her government was committed to return land to the unwilling farmers of Singur whose land was "forcibly" acquired by the erstwhile Left F
