Sustainable industry could emerge in the South if it does not repeat the follies committed by Northern nations during their industrialisation process

The number of institutions trying to integrate environmental concerns with economics is still small in India, especially given the size of the country and the diversity of its environmental problems and challenges, but a small beginning has already been made. This volume presents the proceedings of the national environment and economics meeting held in January 1994, in New Delhi.

IT is beyond dispute that the pattern of economic development has substantially altered the relationship between humans and nature. But never has the underlying sociological, political and

scores of books have

• Rail, as a medium of transport, is often much more energy-efficient and less polluting per tonne- or passenger-km than automobiles. • It can almost always expand its capacity with

With the multiplying numbers of vehicles on European roads, sustainability in road transportation has become the keyword. Participants at the recent annual conference of the Royal Geographical

traffic accidents: Every year, over 500,000 people die in road accidents in the world; 70 per cent of these fatalities occur in developing nations, where the traffic victims are usually

Some of the environmental impacts of automobile manufacture

THE World Bank's (wB) staff have recently prepared a report -Mainstreaming the environment -docu- menting the progress made by the Bank in its effort to emerge as an active partner in implementing

Reduction of poverty remains one of the foremost global challenges. An estimated 1.3 billion persons in the developing world will live in. absolute poverty by the turn of the century. While the
