tracing the rivers: Indian and Chinese scientists have agreed to find the actual source of two of the world's mightiest rivers: the Brahmaputra and the Sutlej. A team of scientists from the Indian

The proposed Rs 13,000-crore Khab Dam in Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh, which would have been the highest in India at 275 metres, has been shot down by the defence ministry because it is "too

chineseprime minister Wen Jiabao's four-day visit to India from April 9-12, 2005 opened hitherto unexplored vistas of friendship between the two nations, albeit driven by economic and strategic considerations. The world's most populous nations established the India-China Strategic and Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Prosperity, a giant step for improving bilateral relations.

The recent dispute over the Indus waters stems from its faulty allocation

Shimla: The country

India and Pakistan once again came together to resolve disputes over the Baglihar power project. In December 2003, a three-member Pakistani inspection team clarified doubts regarding India's

Discharge of effluents into the river had caused large scale fish deaths, leading to the curbs

Ludhiana will have to fight for its right to be clean
