Luanda — Of this figure, 21,871 positive pulmonary tuberculosis, 20,050 negative, extra pulmonary standing at 2,742, and 4,929 treated cases, which totaled 50,046 cases.
AHMEDABAD: The minute you step outside your house, vehicular fumes hit you. As you go further, under-construction roads or building add to the particulate matter you breathe in.
MUMBAI: On the eve of the first-ever United Nations meet on Wednesday to combat the global threat of tuberculosis, a new medical study warns that almost six out of 10 TB patients visiting private d
A new action plan outlining measures to prevent and treat tuberculosis (TB) in children and adolescents was launched by global tuberculosis (TB) leadership in advance of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level meeting on TB.
This book presents key activities, promising practices, and lessons learned to date from the World Bank’s Tuberculosis (TB) in the Mining Sector Initiative--an innovative multisectoral, multicountry, public-private regional initiative.
India accounted for 27 per cent of the 10 million people who developed tuberculosis in 2017, the highest among the top 30 high TB burden countries in the world, according to this WHO report