
Asian consumers are penalised for failing emission checks. Producers go scot free. Taiwan is the exception

How are Asian countries dealing with their growing fleet of old two and three wheelers?

Who wants to buy a scooter that"s priced as high as a limousine? The auto industry can choose to make costly changes to the conventional technology to make it clean. And tinkering with engines has a price. A cheaper option may lie in leapfrogging to alt

Ironically, Indian scooter manufacturers keep the Chinese at bay using strict emission norms. With WTO rules in place, domestic emission norms are vital in shaping the highly competitive market. Environment is both an opportunity and a threat, find the au

Chairperson and managing director
Bajaj Auto Limited

Deadlines set for public transport vehicles to shift to green gas

Are biofuels a feasible option to replacing conventional fuels?

the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy sources (mnes) and the scientists of Benaras Hindu University (bhu) have successfully tested two hydrogen-powered motorcycles. This has opened new doors

"This exercise has built a good relationship between various stakeholders government, civil society and the industry.'

a letter of intent has been signed between the British energy group British Petroleum (bp) and the Economic Development Board (edb) to build hydrogen refueling stations for future Singapore
