
There seems to be no light at either end of this tunnel, what with a chain of protests being sparked off recently. First Italy filed a complaint against France with the European Commission for its

Pakistan has taken the lead in the CNG race from India

the National Highway authority of India (NHAI) is all set to destroy the green canopy of trees along the Rao Tula Ram Marg near the airport in Delhi. This stretch is lined with neem, eucalyptus,

Authorities clamp down on vehicles over 15 years old

soon motorists in Britain will be charged a congestion tax. The proposed tax aims to declog traffic and depollute the streets of London. Mayor Ken Livingstone said a daily charge of us $7

Recycling of discarded vehicles soon to be mandatory in Europe

Gas hydrates can be a promising source of natural gas

Industry sells us a nightmare packaged in a dream world of glitzy cars

Emissions from two stroke engines remain poorly studied. One US study shows how vital such analysis is for public health

Two-stroke technology has seen improvements. But is it stretched to its limits? Public pressure against pollution is growing. Governments are responding with tighter emission standards. Even contemplating bans. But these still ply on the roads. What w
