
This report presents the results of the third party auditing of the PUC centers. It recommends periodic audits every six months and corrective actions based on the findings of the third party auditing of the PUC centres. Presents the finding of the decoy operation in which frauds in a PUC centre was detected. Recommends strong penal action against the defaulters.

lankan labour: The Wages Board of the Sri Lankan labour department is promoting child labour, if a government notice published in Sri Lankan newspaper is to be believed. The notice, which relates

3d mouse: Scientists in the US have developed a fast, high-resolution, 3D mouse embryo visualisation technique that may revolutionise the way birth defects and cancer genes are studied in animal

water wars are here: One protestor was killed when police opened fire at a group of farmers demanding release of water from a dam in Amravati district in Maharashtra on February 20, 2006. The farmers

Captures 10 years of action, impacts and learning to address the complex air pollution challenge in Asia. This book is a survival guide for Asian cities trying to steer their way out of the pollution haze.

In March 2005, EPCA submitted its report no. 14: Special report on the introduction of an upgraded pollution under control certificate system in response to the Hon

The cyclist, who has ruled Chinese streets for decades, is fast becoming an endangered species in the country, thanks to sweeping globalisation. Shenzhen China Bicycle Company, one of the biggest

Introduced in Pimpri, Maharashtra

For polluting QingQi rickshaws in Peshawar

In August 2004, EPCA had submitted its report,
