The cancer causing potential of diesel cars is more than twice that of petrol cars in India

... from a German study confirming the carcinogenicity of the devil in the tank and the engine

There s more to diesel than cancer. And at the receiving end is poor people

Strict environmental standards will prevent air pollution and safeguard the auto industry s interests

Calcium particles neutralise acid in the atmosphere

Diesel vehicles still have a long way to go as far as controlling particulate emissions is concerned and at the current level of technology development, diesel is harmful to public health

Jason Mark and Candace Morey , transportation analysts of UCS, have analysed various emission reduction technologies for diesel vehicles in their attempt to show that all of them have severe limitat

The Indian Oil Corporation, a public sector company, was reluctant to provide clean diesel to Delhi when asked by the Supreme Court. But after a private sector industrial group, Reliance, offered to supply it, the company rushed to do the same. The pu

A public relations agency, Burson-Marsteller Roger Pereira, has come out with a newsletter entitled

A European study determined that exposure to traffic related air pollution, in particular diesel exhaust particles, may lead to reduced lung function in children living near major motorways.
