CHENNAI: In a bid to make the state slum-free, the Tamil Nadu government has selected nine urban agglomerations under the Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) for preparing proper rehabilitation plans.

Official sources told Express that the likely nine cities are Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Erode, Tiruppur, Tiruchy, Tirunelveli, Salem and Vellore.

200 tonnes more of waste will be generated in future


VIDS suggests formation of consortium of social entrepreneurs
Call for launching District Greening Movement with support of environmentalists
Mobile traffic patrol system suggested to regulate the traffic flow on roads
VELLORE: The Vellore Institute of Development Studies (VIDS) has urged the Collector of Vellore district S.

VELLORE: The Organic Farming Organisation, Vellore, has appealed to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to ban the use of endosulfan, a harmful pesticide, in Tamil Nadu.

In a memorandum to the Chief Minister, president of the organisation G.S. Purushothaman said the pesticide had been banned in more than 80 countries and in India by Karnataka and Kerala.

Serena Josephine. M

Municipality conducts surprise checks on three stockists

Some manufacturers selling water packets with ISI seal on them, says official

Checks also being conducted at hotels to ensure hygiene and quality of food

AMBUR: The Ambur Municipality is taking steps to effectively enforce the ban on sale of drinking water packets in its limits.

A door-to-door survey of 130 households in an urban area in Vellore district, Tamil Nadu was done and information on food security status was collected using the United States Department of Agriculture Household Food Security Scale, on socioeconomic status using the modified Kuppuswamy scale and demographic details.

Project-related activities on schedule, says Stalin

CHENNAI: Work on the Hogenakkal Water Supply and Fluorosis Mitigation Project will begin in three to four months after awarding of contracts, Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin told the Assembly on Monday.
