PALAKKAD: Computerised sand mining passes would be issued from November 1 to lift river sand from recognised

>> Michigan State University, us

Union Minister S. Regupathy hands over


New Delhi: Fancy owning a tiger? An Italy-based website that claims to give you options to buy the

There is a new website to cater to rice farmers in Vietnam. The site,, deals with themes such as rice production, rice biology, farming techniques, irrigation, nutrition management, epidemics control, harvest and post-harvest technology, seedling nursery technology and rice products. The new site was developed with technical help from the International Rice Research

If you want to know about the latest environment news log into You are also likely to get information on how to install a solar water heater and even waste management. The portal is an initiative of the National Knowledge Commission (nkc) and the Centre for Science and Environment. Political boundaries divide Asia into units that sometimes the obscure many commonalities that transcend such boundaries, they also reinforce the marginalisation of people who live in the so-called border areas. Yet a better appreciation of these

Open source just one element of computerization Many claim that proprietary software is going out of mainstream. Open source software, which allows anyone to make a new software version (not necessarily an application programme), port it to new operating systems and share it with others, is fast becoming a potent alternative. In India, Kerala has taken to open source software with gusto. But

>> A group of direct-marketing companies in the US are banding together with their corporate clients to make mailing practices greener. The Green Marketing Coalition
